i'm so grateful to have besties like you guys. we joined in one class, XI Social 2 Senior High School 5 Malang. even sometimes we are in different views but we're still can laugh and laugh again. you can make my life so colourful. and now i will announce to you the awards for the best friends goes to you, girls ! :)
DITA CARISSA DEVINAi call her with evien. she's so cute, creative, and sensitive (sometimes. hehe). do you know, me and evien always in a the same school since we are in elementary school. it's mean that we are together for 11 years. wow ! can you believe it ? hahaha :D
RIFFANI PRADIPTAthis is it ! the real of Cemul. hahaha. you can comment her attitude from this photo. yeah, absolutely she likes eating very very much. i'm not shocked that she is the biggest between 4 of our. haha. i remind you to don't be forget to get an aerobic class every friday and sunday with meh, cemul ! hahaha :D
and the last isELISA CAROLINAi never realize that she was so really funny. she looks so different, low profile, and blah ! basically she was so funny. haha. me and elisa have the same taste in music, especially. sometimes we share and change about the newest song, or a gossip about the singer. she always make me laugh with her behaviour. hahaha :D
assalamualaikum. good morning people. wow, this morning is very cold.
how was your sleep ? hmm today is monday, right ? oh my God ! i have to fight with my exam. and today the subjects are geography and religion. you know i haven't study religion. because i think i can answer it with logics. hahaha. it sounds bad :Dlast night i slept at 1 am. don't be shocked ! because in last afternoon i slept from 5 pm until 8 pm. hahaha. like a buffalo ? absolutely YES ! wkwkwk and now i just woke up at 4 am and will run as normal routine. huuh. keep spirit, Nixie ! i believe you can get through it ! cemenjetz ! don't be lazy ! okay i'm taking off and gonna take a hot shower. chao ! see you later when i arrive at home again after school :)