Buat kamu yang dulunya anak gaul Friendster pasti udah nggak asing lagi sama judul satu ini. Bulletin Board atau biasa disingkat bulbo emang cocok banget buat ngisi waktu luang. Padahal sih lagi nggak ada kerjaan. Haha :D
Pertanyaan Bulbonya aku ambil dari blog
ini nih. Yuk diisi yuk yuk. Cekibrot guys!
About Someone :
1. what is the background of your phone wallpaper?
Gambar anjing default dari hpnya
2. who's the last person you text with?
emm... Elisa mau pinjem baju buat ospek dia
3. who's the last person you bbm with?
mau tau aja apa mau tau banget? :) *padahal gak pake BB* -_-
4. who's the last person called you?
nggak ngerti. nomor tak dikenal. biasa fans baru. bahahaha :D
5. who's beside you right now? hiii
Ayah. Beliau sedang tadarusan
6. who's the person who just had their birthday recently?
My fu*kin lovely sister. Talitha Clara Zabrina a.k.a Rara
7. who's the last person you talked with?
8. why should be her/him?
Dia lagi nonton acara hitam putih dan kepo banget sama girlband Princess.
Ujung2nya tanya ke aku deh padahal aku juga ga ngerti -_-
9. if you have $100, who do you want to treat and why?
Sama Rara dan Ibuk. Untuk memuaskan hasrat kami membeli sesuatu tentang Hello Kitty.
Hahahaha ;)
10. who's from your friends that ever make you cry?
mmm... siapa yaah? nggak ada sih kayaknya *pura-pura lupa*
About You :
11. what are the habits of yours that people should imitate with?
brush teeth before i sleep ;)
12. if you want to pick's your nose, are you gonna tell people first?
Yep! Maybe. karena aku terlalu trauma dibilang hidungku kayak Jamur -_-
13. where did you usually throw your snot?
yang pas kepepet apa gak nih? :)
14. what is your bad attitude?
kadang suka ga pede dan mendadak minder
15. how's your fart sound like?
katy pery kayaknya. haha. pede abis!
16. what's the animals that describe you the most?
domba bisa. gajah juga bisa. pokoknya hewan yg pantatnya gede :|
17. what are the instruments that you can play?
piano dikit dikit :p
18. how many times you usually take a shower /day?
sometimes once sometimes twice. depend on my mood :D
19. what are the things that you still keep till now? what is that, from who?
20. what are the things that you want right now?
tiket nonton filmnya Katy Perry. But unfortunately, it only play at Jakarta -_-
About School :
21. where's your high school?
Senior High School 5 Malang (Lulusan 2012)
22. subjects that results best?
Mathematics and Sociology *Give me standing applouse!* ;)
23. what you usually buy in canteen?
jus jambu and jajan biting asin. Do you know jajan biting? :D
24. how many money your mom give you that time?
Rp. 400.000 per month
25. have you ever been in relationship? with who?
yes! with @.....
26. teacher you hate the most? why?
Mr. DJ Uwari. Guru PKN. He's such a random teacher
27. subject you that don't like?
ABSOLUTELY CHEMICAL! I got a very bad score. I got 30 at Semester Test -_-
28. who's your quirky friends? and why you find them quirky?
SORAYA PERUCHA. because we did a lot of stupid things and that was unforgetable :D
From Left to Right : Me, Riffani, Elisa, Evien
This picture taken before me wearing hijab ;)
29. your crush that time?
30. what you miss the most from high school?
everything. I miss everything about high school and i want to go back :'(