it's always interesting when we make some dreams about our future and i think this sunday feel like too many make it start from about my career, my life, my lovelife, aaah everything. heheh :)
i firstly start about my career. i expect that i'm being a succesful woman. not only i hope like this. all persons normally have their own expectations. i remember when my mom said "reach your career first. about love, that's the last thing to think about and resigned it to God. God always give the best for us". when i moved from first grade senior high school i decided to choose social programs. because i plan to continue my lecture majoring in psychology. my parents especially always support me. and they're agree to my decision. furthermore, i have a plan to make a cafe or restaurant that have a concept vintage atmosphere. even i have a plan to make a boutique. hahahah. i want to be a business woman. yaaah. actually there's still a lot of my plan about my career in future but i decide to stop talking about my dreams now.
next about my lovelife. according what i wrote above i actually agree with my mom statement. because now there's soooo many guy that can't be trustworthy. as i look around me now, people that have low-education (sorry..) usually have a mate with low-education too. sooo i conclude that all people firstly, can't be denied, look from outer. such in their education terms, their job terms, etc, depends on individuals. it's not mean materialistics. not always ! now we can imagine if there's a woman with high education. she wants a man with higher education than she or at least in the same level with her surely. imposible she wants to being with a man who have lower level than she, or vice versa. sooo let be a great person to get a good mate. hahahahah :D
thank you for reading, guys. and i apologize if i said anything wrong. that's just a part of my thoughts :)
Minggu, 27 Februari 2011
Cupcakes All Around
LOL..LOL i swear, my friend and i can't stop to laughing when we took photoshoot for IT assignment. and i became the models. hahaha :D So the story are that we make a cupcakes cafe. and theme for our ads like in cupcakes-rain. i wonder if someday it might be the true story that one of we could have a cupcakes cafe, not just for assignment . yaa... who knows ? :)