that's always interesting but sometimes being sucks things when we're talking about our past, isn't that ?! in this posting i'll talk my vision about my past, at the moment, and at the future about my love life. long time no talk about love, dude ! heheh :)
sometimes, i regret everything that have happened in my past. moment when i met my ex, when i made a relationship with WRONG guy (ups! sorry to say that), or even when i did something that might cannot be forgiven by my self. but it'll make us being more strong than before, to get a meaningful experience, and try to not falling down in the same mistake twice, and i think it'll be a process to be mature person
i always try to not look back. all bygones let bygones. i honestly can't deny, sometimes there's a moment that will make me reminds of all that have happened. but that's okay, it's fair. if i got, it just made me smile a little. that's being a funny memory. maybe i can share it to my childrens in the future. eventhough i don't have a boyfriend now, i have to say thankyou to Allah for giving me lovely person around me, such as parents, friends, even you readers. hehe :)
there's a quote that said all of our destiny is out of our control. and i believe this one. i make sure Allah is always give the best for all followers. i just can do a pray for everything i want in the future :)