Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Win The Part ?

i inspired from newest rumour around social class in my school. someone telling me that my 'neighbour beside my class', called L, that seems always want to be number one between all. in the first on my thought that's still okay. but then someone telling me that she's comparing each other. even i heard lastly she's arranging in order from highest until the lowest score in last middle test. i was very shocked. she's very big headed i think ! doesn't mean i'm jealous with her, but should she to be like that ? (too) high ambition !

i remember some day my mom telling me about her friend. my mom's friend was always be the number one in every school year. but when she entered world of work, she 'lose' from other person. and finally until now she's like a stressed person, abnormal person.

from long long ago, my parents NEVER push me to be always the number one. they just wanted me to be swiftly to get everything. and after my mom told about her friend, i conclude that number one isn't always be a 'winner'. hey! this world is bigger ! ;)

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