and tonight in this final and unfortunately it held in Malaysia, they treated Indonesian Player roughly. not only that, a supporter of Malaysia used a lasser to disturbed indonesian player. it became the first trending topic on Twitter. until the time ended the score was 3-0 for malaysia. HEY MALAYSIAN, WHETHER YOU PROUD WHEN YOU BECAME THE WINNER WITH THE CHEATING AND ALL OVER THE WORLD KNEW IT ??
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010
The Hottest Match In The End of 2010
and tonight in this final and unfortunately it held in Malaysia, they treated Indonesian Player roughly. not only that, a supporter of Malaysia used a lasser to disturbed indonesian player. it became the first trending topic on Twitter. until the time ended the score was 3-0 for malaysia. HEY MALAYSIAN, WHETHER YOU PROUD WHEN YOU BECAME THE WINNER WITH THE CHEATING AND ALL OVER THE WORLD KNEW IT ??
Stressed Out
Jumat, 24 Desember 2010
Happy Holiday, Everyone.
today my family plans to go to my grandma's house. hmm ? it's gonna be an ordinary holiday. actually i want to go to Jogja. but it seems my parents not accepted it. they are still busy with them work. so, the holiday will not longer for them. now, i'm preparing to this vacation time. and i prepare some of this :
- some clothes. of course !
- underwear. UPS ! :D
- swimsuit, possibly
- the last thing and it should not be forgotten are....... My Silly Notebook+Modem+Mouse+Headphone(because my life is here. without these goods my life seems so darker. hahaha)
Kamis, 23 Desember 2010
I'm A Mess
oh my God ! why do i still on this feeling ? why you don't erase my feeling to him ? why i am sure if he's my destiny ? what's that we called it with one proccess to be a mature woman ?
i've listened to Escape The Fate's Song-Harder Than You Know. i don't know how much i've listened for. this song is sooo touchy moreover for situation like this, espescially when the lyrics said "are we just lost in time ? i wonder if your love's the same" :(
are you feeling it too, dear ? have you ever been feeling like me ? i imagine if someday i will tell him about my feeling. no matter what he say after i say it. the important things here are trying to be honest. with the own feeling. and maybe it connect to be honest with the other person.
Two in One
Rabu, 22 Desember 2010
Eye Don't Lie
although almost all bands played screamo music. i've wondered if there is a band who played an acoustics music. i think it'll be more interesting, more able to hear, and more sweet, exactly :)
during the DMF, me and my friends sat on the bench beside basket court. all students in dhamysoga joined in this place to watched the bands including my Ex, mr. A ;) he always fro in the court because he'll performed in this event. so my eyes always centered on him. and we were hide to see each other. hahaha. okay to be honest, Eye Never Can Be Lie, right ? hbu ? ;)
and then i remember this is maybe the last DMF for him. because yaaa you know, insyaAllah next year he's gonna be graduate the high school. uuu :( and today will probably the last for us hide seeing. hahaha. and i'm gonna miss this moment, A. :) i love you big body, eventhough you're in love with her and untill now i dont know who is she, somone whom you love.
Selasa, 21 Desember 2010
Trending Topics-I Have No Respect
Let Me Lost My Fat
start from last saturday i've got a cardio exercise. usually i just get an aerobic exercise on friday and sunday. but after i thought twice it might be more interesting if i change to get a cardio exercise on saturday. bcause i've bored this exercise. how not ? i've got an aerobic class almost for 2 years since i was third grade on junior high school. haha. cardio seems like a hip hop dance. yeah dance ! i love dancing sooo much after i tried this exercise. hehe :)
aerobics have made me to lost my fat, i think. now my weight range around 46 kg. it's more than my weight ideal that should be around 49,5 kg. hahaha. even when Fasting Month (Bulan Puasa) my weight down to 43 kg. are you believe ? yeah ! you should believe me. i honestly. hahaha :D
Senin, 20 Desember 2010
The Time
i don't know what i have to do. i don't know how to stop the time, so it can be stuck on 2010. i know it just my fantasy and it is really really sooooooo stupid think. ya Allah. what should i do now ? :(
Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010
Being Successful
i remember some day my mom give me an advice. she tells me that being succesful is not easy. and it was true. i'm just afraid if i cannot reach my dreams. to be the one of student in Gajahmada University or in STAN. i'm just afraid if i cannot make my parents proud to me. although i've studied before, maybe my prayer is less. it can be the reason why i'm still get the bad score even i've studied before. okay ! start now, i'll increase to pray 5 times everyday, try to get up at a midnight to do sholat tahajud. bismillah ! hope i can do it and i can be a succes person who can make my parents proud to me. amien. insyaallah :)
Jumat, 17 Desember 2010
A Sweet Song
I can't get you out of the sunlight
I can't get you out of the rain
I can't get you back to that one time
'cause you and me are still recovering
So let's just try to cool it down
The fighting is feeling like flames
And let's just try to slow it down
We crash when we race
Oh this is not the way that it should end
It's the way it should begin
It's the way it should begin, again
No - I never wanna fall apart
Never wanna break your heart
Never wanna let you break my own
Yes - I now we said a lot of things
That we probably didn't mean
But it's not to late to take them back
So before you say you gonna go
I should probably let you know
I never knew what I had
I never knew what I had
See, I look for you in the morning
It's that where my mind always goes
And I can't wait to get to the evening 'cause that's when I want you the most
But I know it now
I wish I would have known before
How good we were
Is it too late to come back
Or is it really over
If its really over
Then this is not the way that it
Should end its the way it should
Begin its the way it should begin, again.
High School Euforia !

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010
Should I Be Happy ??
hope today will be better than yesterday yaa :)
hei look at the picture below :p
hmmm... i think you've known what i mean. this is about us. between me and my ex-boyfriend. eheemm. haha.
but actually it happens ordinary. nothing special, right ? this is the rare moment between us. he retweet or mention me on twitter rarely and me too. yaaa to maintain self-esteem laaaah :p but i don't know why, now he retweeted this. i was being a big headed now because of this. hmm okay i'll stop tell you about it. hahaha :p
Selasa, 14 Desember 2010
Lesson of This Day
talking about mandarin ? what da ?
i'm so really really happy. my exam will finish 2 days again. wohooow :)
but today i have to fight with sociology and mandarin. oh-my-God. it was very terrible -,-
i've studied mandarin for 2 years, but i cannot do that. translating, reading hance or blah, writing, basically i cannot everything about mandarin. i don't know what the reason. but i think that's because THE TEACHER.
now i'll explain about mandarin's teacher. her name is ah i forgot, i don't care about it hahaha. actually she's patiently, BUT me and my friends doesn't like her voice. it heard like a mouse or in indonesian is "cempreng". it's very NOISY for us, right ? absolutely YES !
i'm orry Miss ! i tell it depends on the fact :p
okay all is over. i wanna prepare for school today. ciao !
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
My Besties, My Classmates

i call her with evien. she's so cute, creative, and sensitive (sometimes. hehe). do you know, me and evien always in a the same school since we are in elementary school. it's mean that we are together for 11 years. wow ! can you believe it ? hahaha :D

this is it ! the real of Cemul. hahaha. you can comment her attitude from this photo. yeah, absolutely she likes eating very very much. i'm not shocked that she is the biggest between 4 of our. haha. i remind you to don't be forget to get an aerobic class every friday and sunday with meh, cemul ! hahaha :D
i never realize that she was so really funny. she looks so different, low profile, and blah ! basically she was so funny. haha. me and elisa have the same taste in music, especially. sometimes we share and change about the newest song, or a gossip about the singer. she always make me laugh with her behaviour. hahaha :D
Hei Monday
how was your sleep ? hmm today is monday, right ? oh my God ! i have to fight with my exam. and today the subjects are geography and religion. you know i haven't study religion. because i think i can answer it with logics. hahaha. it sounds bad :D
last night i slept at 1 am. don't be shocked ! because in last afternoon i slept from 5 pm until 8 pm. hahaha. like a buffalo ? absolutely YES ! wkwkwk
and now i just woke up at 4 am and will run as normal routine. huuh. keep spirit, Nixie ! i believe you can get through it ! cemenjetz ! don't be lazy ! okay i'm taking off and gonna take a hot shower. chao ! see you later when i arrive at home again after school :)
Minggu, 12 Desember 2010
Please, Make Up My Own
i really want to make up my blog like that.
yesterday i told that i want to make my blog like Diana Rikasari's blog. but now after i found shabbyblogs and looked at these design i want to make it up as fabulous as shabbyblogs design.
to all people, wherever you are, especially for a web designer, please ! oh please make a blog design special for me. oh please ! it look like going insane, right ? hahaha :D
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
Lets Play With The Sentences
and now lets make as much as possible quotes and don't forget to pick at least in your sentences. you can try in your home. lets make the words now ! :)
- if i can't be like you at least i can being my self. who more uniquely, more funny, and maybe more enjoy this life. haha :D
- alhamdulillah. now you don't have a girl friend yet, at least there's still a chance for me to be with you again. LOL ! i'm kidding :p
- if you can't be mine for now, at least i can take you by my side someday and it'll be forever till the end of time :) hehe. maybe this is my favorite quotes. i don't care if it shows i'm a stupid girl or not. hahaha :D it just playing with the sentences, guys !
yeah, it was saturday !
in this lovely occasion, because it was saturday i will fill up my blog haha. in your head maybe this post is random. yeah as usual i have no idea for now. HAHAHA.
okay. on this night i promise. yeah i promise i will give you some story. dadaaah. haha :D
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
okay i will enjoy my time with my laptop.
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
No Title
i prepared for exam tomorrow but it was not for a long time. because i'm so hhh with mathematics. you know what i mean laah. :p
and now i'd rather post in this blog than study mathematics HAHAHAHA :D
hmm may be all is over. to be honest, i don't have any idea. i'm gonna sleep. pray for my exam tomorrow. okay chao !
Libur Tapi Nggak Libur
baru aja bangun dari tempat tidur nih. dan langsung buka laptop. nyalain internet. buka blog. dan sekarang taraaaa.... posting. apa deh ya -,-
sekarang di indonesia lagi tanggal merah jadi ya tau sendirilah ini hari libur. but it's not for me. huh ! you know why ? TOMORROW I HAVE A FINAL EXAM. OH-MY-GOD. the first subject are mathematics and ah i forgot. and today me and my family will go to my grandma's house and i'm not study yet -,- ckck
okay the post is enough. i will continue later, when i arrive in my lovely room again. chao !
Senin, 06 Desember 2010
Happy Monday
the rain is falling down in outside. it might be a good time for sleep. i just laying down in my bed, and close my eyes, but i can't sleep. grrrrh -___-
so now -to waste my time- i will tell you a few story. about the school today.
today is monday. and you know, monday often be a fuckin days. but it might not for today. why do i think like that ? because my lovely school was end at 11.30 am. wohoooow. it really a rare moment for smala-sma negeri 5 malang.
i do love you sooooo much, SMALA. but if the school time end before 12.00 pm. hahahaha :D
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
A Meaningful Smile

have you ever meet person who laugh in outside, but inside h/she actually fell the pain ? or may be your self doing like this ? it's very terrible. sometimes we have to hide a sadness with 'an act' smile, so other people doesn't know what we feel right now.
because all emotion can't be show everytime, we have to manage that. don't be a selfish person ! you want other people always care about you. for example when your friends come to you and then you just give his/her a bad smile. please remember : people who have a life problem is not only you !
a mature should be manage his/her self well, such manage an emotion. it mean there's a time to show an emotion, but also there's a time to push it down. thus, that is a reason why sometimes there are a people who always smile although she/he have a problem. s/he is not crazy, but it mean this people can manage his/her emotion well.
now, please say to our self we certainly could live it all quite. be positive thinking, don't always negative ! :)
This Is It !
to the point, i'm so glad today. finally i found something what i want since long ago. yap ! can change the template with a cool design. it might happen because i'm too `stupid`. i should know a way to change it since loooong ago. but in fact this occured accidentally. when i opened google. wohoo. but i was so lucky ! hheheh :p
Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010
Kamis, 02 Desember 2010
New Look !
sebelumnya aku mau tanya nih. kalian ngerasa ada sesuatu yang beda sama tampilan blog ini nggak ? hehe. yup bener banget aku baru aja ngedesign semuanya. terinspirasi dari blognya Diana Rikasari, sang fashion blogger muda berbakat di indonesia. keren banget deh blognya. lucu. so girly !
habis buka-buka blognya dia aku jadi pengen aja buat ngebenerin blogku yg agak2 acak adul sebelumnya. walaupun sekarang masih belum beres juga sih. kendalanya tetep aja dari dulu gak berubah2. ko-nek-sHIT ! ups !
i think all is over. tomorrow i will continue to make up this blog again. hehe
i'll send my greeting to all of you who read this post. goodnight, have a sleep tightly yall ! :)
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
i don't care anymore about you. because now i know your type. and you are dangerous, boy ! fuck the past !
Senin, 29 November 2010
conversation with my mommy
hmm aku lagi ada cerita nih. jadi tadi pas aku nonton tivi, si ibuk tiba2 dateng puraknya nonton tivi juga. tapi eh ternyata dia tanya begini
"lho anak bontang yg itu udah punya pacar lagi ta ?"
"hah ? iya punya baru dia. kok ibuk ngerti ?"
"iya tadi ibuk iseng buka facebook terus muncul dia. makanya jadiin pelajaran kamu udah 2 kali gagal. jadi orang jangan mudah percaya. bisa jadi kan pas itu cuma buat temen aja sebelum dia pindah itu"
"iya. halah aku udah nggak ngurus kok."
"terus kamu sama am**g gimana ?"
"hah ? ya nggak gimana2 buk" sambil senyum2
"kalo disekolah nggak pernah ketemu ?"
"ya sering. tapi ya gitu biasa aja. bentar lagi dia mau lulus ya buk. kemaren dia habis ulang tahun"
"------------------" no comment. uh sial nih ibuk ! haha jadi malu kan. sini udah antusias mau cerita malah dikacangin. wkwk
sekarang komentar tentang si yg barusan jadian nih ya. to be honest, aku udah nggak ngurusin lagi kok tentang anak itu. cuma yg jadi agak janggal disini dulu kan aku putusnya gara2 dia masih suka gitu sama mantannya cuma kenapa dengan jarak kira2 cuma sekitar 3 bulanan dia udah bisa dapet yg baru. apa bener dia itu cuma cari2 alasan terus aku itu istilahnya cuma dipake jadi temen pas dia nunggu buat pindah jakarta terus kuliah disana ? yaudahlah biarin aku nggak ada ngerasa jealous sama sekali. bener deh ini ! cuma disini aku ngerasa diboongin aja. aku ngga ada hak juga buat ngebales ya. biarin waktu aja yg ngejawab aku percaya kok Tuhan Maha Adil. nah kalo yg ini nih kalo yg si mantan satu sekolah kalo suatu saat dia punya cewe aku paling udah gimanaaa gitu. tau sendiri kan ? hahaha. aku bingung sendiri lo sama perasaanku. setelah udah setahun lebih beberapa hari kita terpisah bener sih perasaan pengen balikan itu udah nggak ada. cuma kalo misalnya dia agak deket sama anak lain rasanya aneh aja. jealous ? MUNGKIN iya . hehe. aku berharap semoga walaupun kita nggak bisa sekarang bareng, tapi suatu saat dan untuk selamanya kita bisa sama2 lagi ya. amin. i love you as my brother, abiyyu :)
Okay ! mungkin cukup segini dulu cerita hari ini yg bisa aku share ke kalian. kalo ada kata2 yg salah mohon dimaklum halah kayak apaan aja. hahaha
chao !
Jumat, 19 November 2010
The New of Me !

Minggu, 07 November 2010
happy sunday with my besties :*
long time no posting (again) ckck...
today i spent my sunday with my besties; ika, evien, riffani, and elisa.
first we went to pasar minggu on semeru street. just do window shopping, and bought some drink there. after that we went to my lovely home. i think my home is a favourite place for them although that`s not too big. They often wasting time to go to my home then watchin movie together. sometimes, my friend stay in my home when there is an event, like cresta. maybe you can join with us someday ;)
we did homework together and watching eat pray love movie. do you know eat pray love ? have you ever watch this movie ?
after we finished our homework, we went to Warung Steak & Shake to ate some food. We were very hungry. ckckck
and finally after from WSS we headed to Matos. very unforgettable moment happened in here. like we went to photo box HAHAHAHA. made me feel like in Junior High School. because in that time i often went to photo box . wkwkwk. it`s look like "an alayers" . but it was fun, you know ??! hahaha
tomorrow or next tomorrow or someday maybe i`m going to post the photos.
anyway, tomorrow is sunday. and i must prepare to go to school. but i`m so lazy to start study. cckckck. can you help me to burn the lazy ??? strange question -___-
oh yaaa, once again please pray for my laptop. because my laptop was sick got some virus. get well soon my laptop :*
Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
ordinary sunday !
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010
so lonely without my parents
this is a saturday night. but maybe it's became a (SAD)turday night. it's really make me so lonely in my home. my parents go to different place and they stay till tomorrow, sunday. ckck.
my dad goes to Kepulauan Riau. He invited by hmmm i don't know who, but i think it's important. i can't accompany him to the airport because in that time i still on my school. huks :'(
have a save flight, dad. gonna miss you :*
maybe on 5 pm he called me. i think that he arrived at Batam (kep.Riau) but in fact he told me that he's still on Soekarno-Hatta airport, Jakarta -____-" i cheated !
and my mom go to Coban Rondo. and she also has an event. now i'm in home just with my cousin, my lil sister. and i feel like a "anak kos" hahaha :D
hmm never mind. because actually my obsession is become an anak kos hahaha. :D
p.s : i want to apology if my grammar still bad :p
i'm on my school NOW !
long time no posting blog, and now i'm starting to tell you my story.
ini aku masih di sekolah nih. sebenernya lagi pelajaran bhs inggris cuma gurunya lagi kosong jadi yaa.... bebas deh sekarang. hehe enak kaan :p
sebelumnya makasih ya buat Riffani Pradipta buat pinjeman laptopnya. kebetulan aku hari ini ga bawa laptop, si fani bawa tp lagi nganggur. yaudah aku pinjem aja daripada ga dipake. hehe
hmmm.. actually, i've got some problem that made me confused. but i don't wanna tell you now. it's about me and my JERK friend. hehe. sorry 'master of class' ;)
i promise to you, maybe i will type that story later, in my home, with my own laptop. ssstt just because it's a secret haha.
oke that's enough the story from me in a HOT day. hufh the weather is so hot. ckckck
see you later, fellas.. :D
Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010
goodbye yesterday !
i bring a good news for today. you know what ???
yesterday i told you that my heart was complicated because i missed him. but now i'm really really feel better than yesterday . trust me ! ;)
okay ! that's enough. i'm going to sleep after that, as usual :)
good night and sleep tight everyone :*
p.s : sorry if my grammar are bad. just wanna try to use english better :)
Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010
kemarin aku bilang ke kalian aku mau ngelanjutin cerita2 tentang my-ex.
tapi sori beribu ribu sori malem ini aku lagi ga mood buat cerita-cerita tentang itu. ckck
gatau juga kenapa. padahal sebenernya biasa aja sih cuma kalo cerita tentang itu males aja. hehe.
mungkin besok atau kapan gitu aku bakal ngelanjutin cerita yg kemarin lagi :p
okay ! i think that's enough. just wasting my time before i'm laying down on my bed, drowning in my dreams with a handsome boy. haha. just my imagination !
goodnight ! have a sleep tight ya all ! :D
Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010
gimana ya caranya ?
ini nih langsung to the point aja ya ? ;)
aku pengen bangeett nget nget punya blog yg bisa ada tombol navigasinya gitu. kayak semacam situs2 yg udah profesional gitu deh. ceileeeh :p
saking penasarannya nih ya tadi sore kan papa, mama, adek ngajakin jalan. terus trnyata belok ke sebuah toko ATK di malang di daerah ciliwung *nggak boleh sebut nama* hehehe. trus aku pas jalan gitu kebetulan nemu buku tentang blogging gitu deh. terus aku baca sinopsis di belakangnya. aku langsung ambil aja taruh di keranjang belanjaan.
tapi nyatanya pas di rumah uda kubuka dan aku liat isinya,........... tetep aja aku ga ngerti caranya -___-" HAHAHAHAHA
aduh plis banget siapapun yg tau caranya yg simpel yg gampang langsung ga usah ragu kasi komen posting ini. bantu banget deh. bakal dapet pahala siapapun yg ntar kasi tau.
Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010
feel unproductive on friday -_-"
liat ini nih, menurut kalian gimana ?
05.00 : bangun, solat subuh sambil nahan ngantuk *ini bangun juga gara2 di bangunin ayah kalo nggak pasti masih molor* :p
05.10an : tidur lagi
06.30 : bangun tidur, keluar kamar udah sepi. cuma ada bu anis (pembantu) sama antik (anaknya pembantu) lagi di dapur
06.30 : balik lagi kamar (jadi tadi tuh cuma ngintip aja diluar. haha) nyalain laptop dan on-line dan..... nonton tivi
10.00 : mandi + sarapan pagi (yg bener pagi apa siang nih?) : keluar rumah duplikatin piala kemaren :) : nyampe rumah ga ada kerjaan mainan hape eh ternyata ketiduran -___-"
14.00 : bangun dan.............. nyalain laptop lagi
hhhh -____-" bosen banget deh lama2 hidup kayak gini -__-
p.s: maaf ya kalo postingnya agak ga jelas :p
good morning, friday :)
tepat hari ini jumat pagi. this is a second time i'm posting blog. haha :D
lumayanlah udah dikit2 ngerti caranya edit mengedit. makasih ya almira :)
tau gak, pagi ini pas bangun tidur aku udah disambut sama hujan.
pas mau wudhu, pas buka pintu langsung ada kilat. ckckck
bayangin ya..nyawa belum penuh langsung dikagetin sama petir -_-
semalem capek banget abis ikut mading elektro competition 2010 di poltek. alhamdulillah kita (aku, almira, betty) dapet juara 3 looo :)
eh btw istrinya irfan hakim mirip widi vierra versi kerudungan ya. haha. sori-sori postingnya jadi agak 'nggelambyar'. sambil nonton insert pagi nih hahaha
balik lg ya ke topik awal ;)
jadi kemaren malem tuh si ibu tersayang manggilin tukang pijit langganan. terus ga taunya pas lagi dpijet saking capeknya kali ya aku ketiduran sampe pagi. hahaha :D
dan hari ini pun aku ga sekolah. badanku sakit semuaa. gmn mau ga sakit. pas persiapan sehari sebelum lombanya kita bertiga bela2in tidur jam 2 pagi. tapi ya itu tadi alhamdulillah dapet juara 3 :)
well, cukup segini dulu ya cerita paginya . mau mandi nih hehehe
chao !
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010
lama banget udah ga ngutak atik blogger. sekarang banyak perubahan ya. aku jadi rada-rada bingung sama edit mengeditnya. hehe
oh iya aku mau kenalan dulu deh. disini ada nixie. aku udah 17 tahun tinggal di kota malang. tau kota malang kaaan ??? coba tebak dimana hayooo ? :p
mmmm... sekian dulu deh intro dari aku. jujur lagi ga ada ide nih buat posting. abisan miris banget liat ini blog. udah baru, tapi masi kosong. banyak2in account aja. ya gaaak ?
ini juga lagi belajar dikit-dikit sih pake tampilan blogger yg baru. makanya masi kosongan kan. kalo sempet pasti aku posting kok.
salam kenal semuanya yaa :)