Sabtu, 30 April 2011


goodnight everyone. i am feeling better in the end of April month. and tomorrow we're turning to May. alhamdulillah....:)

wasting my Saturday night as usual. sitting in front of my laptop and looking for any attractive site.
by the way, was thinking about what i have done on April. so here it goes, i'll mention the most interesting case on April who happen outside my guess briefly:

1. A has apologized for everything mistakes he's made
2. finally, i could drive a car eventhough still have to be guide by. hahaha :D
3. my weight turn down to 46 kgs. subhanallah, can't believe it!
4. did a hilarious activities with girlfriends.
5. and so on. too much bliss You have given for me so i can't mention it one by one. i thank for all, God! :)