Kamis, 17 November 2011

Happy Birthday, Me

I’m 18th years old. Alhamdulillah :)

Dear Allah,

thank you for allowing me to live my amazing life with great people around me. My parents, my besties, and my secret admirer (if any. haha). Thank you for keeping me save during this 18 years, Thank you for giving me happiness and sadness. Without both of them i wouldn’t know what the meaning of life. Life is balance that way, i think, between happiness and sadness :)

Dear my self,

i promise myself i’m gonna be a better person. i know i’ve been there, but i’m trying to be more, and more, and more better. That was then and this is start now.

Dear destiny, i really hope for you for this year especially. I wish i always get luckiness. Because this year is one way of judgement my future. i will have national exam and will enter the college. I wish i always get the easiness. Dear Allah, I always be sensitive if i tell about it.

Essentially, no matter the number of my age, I will always be forever young. Amin Allahumma Amiin. Happy Birthday, Me ! :)