Rabu, 15 Desember 2010

Should I Be Happy ??

good morning, dude !
hope today will be better than yesterday yaa :)
hei look at the picture below :p

this photo is unclear, i think. on twitter i've made a tweet that says "ga belajar blas buat uas hari ini" and then a few minutes letter someone (you know who !) retweeted my status :p
hmmm... i think you've known what i mean. this is about us. between me and my ex-boyfriend. eheemm. haha.
but actually it happens ordinary. nothing special, right ? this is the rare moment between us. he retweet or mention me on twitter rarely and me too. yaaa to maintain self-esteem laaaah :p but i don't know why, now he retweeted this. i was being a big headed now because of this. hmm okay i'll stop tell you about it. hahaha :p

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