Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Libur Tapi Nggak Libur

selamat pagi, manusia (hah?)
baru aja bangun dari tempat tidur nih. dan langsung buka laptop. nyalain internet. buka blog. dan sekarang taraaaa.... posting. apa deh ya -,-
sekarang di indonesia lagi tanggal merah jadi ya tau sendirilah ini hari libur. but it's not for me. huh ! you know why ? TOMORROW I HAVE A FINAL EXAM. OH-MY-GOD. the first subject are mathematics and ah i forgot. and today me and my family will go to my grandma's house and i'm not study yet -,- ckck
okay the post is enough. i will continue later, when i arrive in my lovely room again. chao !

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