Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

talking about mandarin ? what da ?

good morning, people !
i'm so really really happy. my exam will finish 2 days again. wohooow :)
but today i have to fight with sociology and mandarin. oh-my-God. it was very terrible -,-
i've studied mandarin for 2 years, but i cannot do that. translating, reading hance or blah, writing, basically i cannot everything about mandarin. i don't know what the reason. but i think that's because THE TEACHER.
now i'll explain about mandarin's teacher. her name is ah i forgot, i don't care about it hahaha. actually she's patiently, BUT me and my friends doesn't like her voice. it heard like a mouse or in indonesian is "cempreng". it's very NOISY for us, right ? absolutely YES !
i'm orry Miss ! i tell it depends on the fact :p
okay all is over. i wanna prepare for school today. ciao !

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